Hard to believe it is January here.
Close to record highs. Yesterday I even had the windows open. Almost hit 50 degrees.
But I have these cute little friends that visit and eat the bird food...or the birds.

He will sit on the bird feeder ever so patiently.
This was the reason I was able to get these shots out of my kitchen window.
We also have Red Headed finches and a Hairy Woodpecker but they are either fast or too shy to have a photo taken by an amateur!
This little guy in flight is wonderful.
He has orange coloring under his wings.
We have a couple of them who hang around the suet feeder.
I think he is a Red-shafted Flicker / Northern Flicker.
Then there is my pal the Peregrine falcon.
I can tell when he comes to visit because of the noise all the other birds make getting out of the way!
He will sit on the bird feeder ever so patiently.
This was the reason I was able to get these shots out of my kitchen window.
We also have Red Headed finches and a Hairy Woodpecker but they are either fast or too shy to have a photo taken by an amateur!
We do not have Cardinals here but I love the red against the snow I have seen in photos.
My interpretation of sweet cardinals based on Renee Mullin's patterns.
After seeing the news this morning I am hoping all of you are safe back East with the ice storms.
I wish the weather could be equal a crossed the nation so we could have some of the moisture minus all the accidents.
Stay safe and enjoy your weather!