Thursday, September 15, 2011


I found these small witches in my stash and decided to paint them.  Well little did I realize that I would not be able to see them let alone paint them without BIFOCALS!!..  I had gone to the eye doctor because I was having problems seeing the street signs while driving so he increased my long distance vision but now to paint my arms are not long enough.  To think I use to laugh at my mom and aunts that would stand up from the table to read the fine print on the newspaper while looking down!
The things that use to be so easy are now becoming a problem.  I guess that goes with aging.
I have worn contacts for so many years I am not sure how to wear glasses.  Needless to say I am now the woman looking around for my glasses while they are sitting on my head.

 I better paint all the small things quickly before it is all over!!
Hope you are enjoying your day.


  1. Hi Barb, this aging thing is for the birds!!! It's always something now!!! Love your little witches. Wherever did you get them???

    Take care,


  2. Oh Barb...welcome to my world...I have bifocals, and the little cheater glasses in every room in the house. I'm getting frightened though, as I am now buying the strongest cheaters they make....then what happens??? :o( Smiles, Hugs & Sympathy ~ Robin (Cute, cute, witchy!!!)

  3. Hi, those little witches are so cute. I have trifocals, so know what you mean. Have a great weekend!

  4. Barb, I know all about what your talking about! Bifocals!!! I had to have cataract surgery on both eyes 2 years ago at the age of 47 and my eyes have never been the same.

  5. Oh my gosh, Barb! I experienced the very same thing this past week at the eye I need glasses to see up close while stitching and for night driving! I'd sure rather lose my hearing than my sight! You're not alone girl!!! And yes, we ARE too young for this!

  6. Oh my Lord, I'm just about to bi-focals I think. I know I've already hit the toothless stage... LOL! Just one missing though so that ain't too bad, yeh?

  7. The witches are darling! Yikes about the bifocals. Ugh!

  8. Barb those witches are adorable! I have bifocals too and can't sew with them.LOL I used to think the same thing about my Grandma and threading needles. Eating crow is hard to do when we reach that age.LOL Hugs, Valrie

  9. I had to get bifocals last year. It is difficult to get used to. I was hoping to make it to 50 before that happened.


Thanks for taking the time to share your commments!!
Enjoy your day,